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adidas Performance

Copa Pure 2 Club FxG J

45,95 €

inkl. MwSt.

Farbe: braun

35 EU

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adidas Performance COPA PURE 2 CLUB FxG J

Mehr von adidas Performance

Artikelnr.: IG1103

? U-THROAT COLLAR CONSTRUCTIONS ALLOWS FOR EASE OF ENTRY FOR ALL FOOT TYPES. LACES PROVIDE LOCK DOWN. ? 3-stripes lateral branding ? Synthetic leather upper ? lightweight support ? Lightweight, durable synthetic leather upper ? Flexible ground outsole to move with high-speed control and stability on firm ground (dry natural grass), artificial grass (long-bladed synthetic fibre) and hard ground ? Move with high-speed agility and stability on firm ground (dry natural grass), artificial grass (long-bladed synthetic fibre) and hard ground with the flexible ground outsole ? Soft & Durable synthetic leather
  • Farbe:braun
  • Absatzform:Flach
  • Schuhspitze:Rund
Pflegehinweis: Staub und Schmutz mit einer weichen Schuhbürste oder einem fusselfreien, leicht feuchten Tuch entfernen. Regelmäßig mit farblosem Imprägnierspray behandeln.


Adidas AG (Adi-Dassler-Straße 1, 91074 Herzogenaurach - Germany)

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